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We are in the process of gathering a collection of tools and resources that will simplify,
inspire and support your work.

If you have not already done so, join our mailing list and we will notify you when they
are ready for you.

Laura S.

I set out to take this class to refresh my skills as an early childhood teacher.  For five years I was a Director of two child care centers, and this course helped me transition back into the classroom.   It gave me the opportunity to learn from fellow teachers and co-workers in a collaborating learning environment.

Phyllis K.

It wasn’t only what you taught us, it was how you taught us, in a way that made me remember all that we had to know, and all the fun we had learning it.  Thank you. Thank you. 

DaShana R.

The information is given in a way so that it is easy to understand. I feel like I am learning a lot from this course so far and look forward to continuing my growth and education.