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Message from Lyle Greenman, PH.D

The Training Center was founded on the belief that a successful child care program
must possess these 4 essential strengths:

  1. A consistent, strong management program
  2. A strong hiring and staff development program
  3. Consistent supervision of staff to ensure that teachers and assistants all know, understand and follow the management team's vision and direction
  4. A knowledgeable staff of dedicated professionals committed to the needs of children, motivated by progress and inspired by their work environment

Since 2002 we have been helping child care providers build these strengths within
their organizations in an effort to help them advance the quality and success of their
programs. We do this because we are passionately committed to serving and
supporting our educational community. We are a collective group of educators
dedicated to leveraging our combined knowledge to provide outstanding education
and support. In whatever capacity you have chosen to service our educational
community, we are here to encourage you. We welcome you to The Training Center
community and look forward to serving you so you can serve others.

Lyle Greenman

Dr. Greenman received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Child Development from
The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies at Adelphi University. He is a licensed
clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst who has devoted his professional life to helping
adults and children cope with stress and adversity. Committing himself to developing a
successful model of child care service that emphasized the social and emotional
development of children while strengthening the bonding of children and parents in
childcare settings, Dr. Greenman started First Class Child Care in 1988. As President
of First Class he developed his expertise in the organizational structure of child care
settings, and used his knowledge of child development to foster good relationships
amongst teachers, parents and children.

Under Dr. Greenman’s leadership First Class developed and managed some of the
premiere child care programs in New York State. First Class was winner of the Long
Island Family Friendly Employer (LIFFE) award of The Health and Welfare Council of
Long Island. Dr. Greenman is past president of the Adelphi Society for Psychoanalysis,
past president of The Coalition for Child Care of Nassau County, a former Accreditation
Validator and has a certificate in Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale (ITERS).
Recognizing that many child care programs don’t have either the budget or the depth
of staff to provide adequate staff development and supervision for their teachers,
he started The Training Center for Early Childhood Professionals to meet this need.

Laura S.

The class and my instructor guided me every step of the way towards building my portfolio and prepared me for the test and observation.

Kelly F.

My instructor challenged my ideas and made me think outside my own comfort zone. 

Bridget D.

My teacher is sociable, talented and has the ability to make everyone in the class feel comfortable discussing there thoughts and opinions. She has made this whole experience such a delight, that I look forward to my class each week.